‘Octomom’ Natalie Suleman
CPS Showed Up to House All the Time
… But Complimented My Parenting!!!
Natalie “Nadya” Suleman — best known as “Octomom” — says Child Protective Services basically set up camp at her home in the early days after she brought home the octuplets … showing up at least once a week, yet never knocked her parenting.
We had the former reality TV star on “TMZ Live” to talk about what life is like for her and her 14 children now. Remember, Suleman gave birth to octuplets after she was already a mother of six kids back in 2009.
Suleman touches on all the public scrutiny she received after she first gave birth … including visits from CPS “at least once a week.”
Nadya says she was encouraged by CPS … adding the agents who inspected her home never left without complimenting her parenting. Suleman says CPS and the cops were some of her biggest supporters through the years.

Suleman also touches on a series of topics she’s been vocal about during a press tour to promote her new TV shows “I Was Octomom” and “Confessions of Octomom” — including how she never wanted to be famous, and how she wishes she had sued Dr. Michael Kamrava … the doctor who implanted 12 embryos during IVF, though he told her he only implanted six.

Suleman also gave us an inside look at her family life … saying her older children — the ones born before the octuplets — have an incredible work ethic. They’ve got jobs and are pursuing college — except for one of her kids who needs full-time care because of his autism diagnosis.
Nadya says she’s taking care of him full-time … though her tight-knit family pitches in when they can.
Suleman also pulled off another miracle in her family … ’cause her younger kids are all vegans — and, ya gotta hear why they decided to make the change.
Sounds like Nadya and her brood are doing just fine these days … but, watch the full interview on “TMZ Live” today to hear it for yourself! Check your local listings.
Read the full article here